How exactly does one get pussy while living at the white house as a teenage boy?

Ok so noone seems to respond to my thread,i just bring my hate here, i have to get it off my chest.

She is envious, looking at young and fit mma warriors, having integrity, sacrificing, enduring pain. Deep down she knows she would not last a second in the octagon facing irishman Conor McGregor. Her pelvis would break into a million fractions, shrapnels of her jewbeak would penetrate the brain area like a 12 gauge would a washing-sponge. Her weakened joints must be like those of an overcooked chicken. Her whole act is being dressed up, saying some fucking lines with a dead face (she really is a one dimensional actress), and getting a trophy twice a year for being the only actress who was able to conceil her mental breakdowns till the age of 70. She carries zero substance (that broken heart turn it to art shit was like Nolan level autism, also adressing fresh corpse Carrie Fisher as Leia??? i mean wtf aspergers much?) and zero range, schoolplay level old fuckhole. I mean she could be put in twice as many submission positions, her saggy tits acting as two additional target-limbs. Don't get me wrong, I respect old people, but this bitchkike would get an award for shopping groceries at this point. Also Deer Hunter would have been a thousand times better with Cybill Sheperd. I hope UFC calls her out for the bullshit and she gets rekt, no holds barred style. I mean she must be the token old lady of hollywood kept around only so that young prostitutes, i mean aspiring actresses can overlook the inevitable deadend, soul crushing nature of the business. SAD

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