How excited are you for your next session, and why?

Hell yeah I am.

In this game I am playing a new mysterious stranger to the party who has a deeply kept secret... I'm actually trying to stop this band lead by a chaotic "neutral" murder hobo from being evil.

Last session I prevented a massacre as the party leader, a rogue, snuck up on a camp of "bandits" who he wanted to shoot on sight. A little subtle spell trickery with message let me stealthily warn them. Suddenly caught of position the rogue was forced to talk things down. Good thing too, given they weren't bandits.

But they let slip that someone was talking to them telepathically. The party now knows they have a traitor and are actively searching for them. The suspicion is off me right now but I can't let them string up the wrong person. I'll likely have to reveal myself to save someone next session and that could be a crazy stand off.

/r/dndnext Thread