How to feed a teenage horde all summer?

When I was growing up (80's) I had a neighbor with a Great Pyrenees dog who was my best friend - no kids in my neighborhood. I was over there constantly, hangin' with Bootsie in the backyard, and her owner was a nice old woman who always had 'meat about to go bad' or 'whoops I made too much soup' or 'ask your mom what she thinks of this casserole, I'm not sure if I like it..." and it didn't dawn on me until much later that she knew money was tight at my house. She also 'loved to decorate with dandelions' and would give me a quarter per bouquet, and she always had cups of wilted dandelions displayed all over her porch in those jelly jar glasses.

What you're doing is extremely kind and those kids will remember you very fondly, is my roundabout point. Cheers, good human.

/r/EatCheapAndHealthy Thread