How do you feel about birthdays? Are you offended if your “friends” don’t wish you a happy birthday

I would be very happy if someone just remembers my birthday. I mean I understand not everyone makes a big deal of birthdays but just growing up I have always been excited about it since it's the day about me with my loved ones . And then once we grow up, everyone just feel it's not a day to be celebrated. I just feel it's one of the days to let your loved ones know that the you are happy that they are born and I try to go out of my way to let them know I cherish them. Maybe it also reminds me of my childhood, when I have no worries and thinking I was someone special lol. But yeah I love to celebrate the day and may also feel a bit salty if someone I consider as my close one forget about it. Since all of us are not together, I just feel it's one of the days where all my close ones reach out to me and let me know I'm not alone.

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