how do we feel about brandon and taylor? (first time watcher)

i actuallt fully disagree his family and specifically his mom were the ones condemning his behavior - and i really honestly don’t even think he has that big of issues when it comes to anger i think he has a lot of anxiety and stress issues and he shouldn’t have been on the show in the first place so deciding to be on there made them so much worse and made him constantly on edge and the show was horrible at helping him through that because i’m sure it’s a huge fucking change for anybody but especially someone who like brandon doesn’t like cameras and has lots of anxiety- i also don’t think married at first sight is exactly the best show for promoting a brand ik i’m a new viewer but zach and her would be the only people with motivation to go on the show for that reason because they have a precense online and rely on a brand everyone else are just regular people

/r/MarriedAtFirstSight Thread Parent