How do you feel about photos on social media?

Do you have friends with kids? Do you pay attention to what some of them post? I just had TWO friends on XMAS post photos/videos of their girls in their underwear opening gifts. Two totally different unrelated friends. Another one I saw was a girl posting a photo of her son who had just gotten seriously injured (head injury) and she posted a photo of him crying with the caption, "Wow, my boy is so brave," or something along those lines. Although you most likely will not be posting things like that, I think a lot of people see this kind of thing going on and don't want anything to do with having their own kids on social media.

Another totally weird thing I read on the news was that a Youtube mother who does specific videos related to cloth diapering had a lot of her videos being embedded to a child porn website. All she was doing was reviewing different diapers and would show her babies wearing them once in a while. People are disgusting and will take any opportunity to take advantage.

/r/beyondthebump Thread Parent