How do you feel about trans people?

To answer what seems to be a really bad faith argument seriously, I don’t see why we need to restrict ourselves to some sense of societal value at any point. Like, what does that mean? We know that these “values” are constructions harkening back hundreds of years ago by people who could of never have seen or understood our world. So why let it debase our pleasures? Why let it bind us in suffering? I say we live as the free individual we are, only changing ourselves for the love we see in other free individuals.

And so I’ll reject all possessions of my thought by hierarchy. I’ll push down any boundary which I can visualise should it liberate my friends and expand our potential. You can assert “values” necessity from an assumption of order or cohesion, but I say if it does not serve my pleasure, I don’t desire you’re “values”. And damn the consequences. It is my pleasure and the pleasure of those who I love me I live for, not anyone else’s. That alone is the world to me.

Anyway, that’s my hyperbolic, self-righteous half hippie/half Stirner rant for today. Hope it entertained you somewhat.

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