How it feels having gone to college so I could get a good enough job to afford my student loans

So, you build an argument on a false equivalency because you think having majority support means your reasoning doesn't have to be sound, and you expect me to give you some sort of satisfactory answer? I'll bite.

I went to ITT fucking tech, dude. I'm in heaps of debt for a piece of paper worth less than the toilet paper you use to wipe your ass. I signed a contract that said I would repay loans given to me for an education. It didn't say anything in the contract about the quality of that education. I don't like what I got, but that changes nothing.

You don't just get to ignore parts of a contract you don't like - that extends to our social contract. We live and die by other people keeping their word, and whether or not you or anyone else who dislikes what I have to say doesn't make a difference.

To answer your question, I would have read the contract this time around and I would still have all my shit.

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