How this forum has changed over time?

For the old timers who have been on this subreddit for a while now, has there really been such a large shift in attitude?

I haven't been here that long, 6+ years. Yes, there is a significant shift in attitude.

The younger gen doesn't want to learn or take lessons. When you're younger it is common to "know it all," speaking from experience. But this gen builds upon that by constantly attacking what they do not readily understand or perceive as wrong.

There's always a "throw the baby out with the bathwater" attitude when it should be the opposite in Buddhism. You put senior students ahead of you and learn from them.

So I have observed older Buddhists here decide to either roll with it or leave. The younger gen should be learning from these people who are truly experienced and intelligent, but instead the veterans take a back seat. Which is bad for me because I don't get to hear their true views.

I don't recall ever asking for help here, or making more than 1 post ever, so I mostly comment for discussion purposes or to help someone. But I'm thinking of just getting out and letting the know-it-alls have their sandbox.

/r/Buddhism Thread