How do I Fox?

Hey there! I’m a beginning Fox main too. I can give you some advice that people on here have given me.

  1. Understand the concept of rushdown.

This is really key with Fox. His archetype deals with staying on your opponent while having a clear and effective neutral. Be aggressive but also know when to hold away.

  1. Neutral air and dash attack are your best friend.

Fox’s neutral air is safe on shield, and is really good in neutral. Neutral air is also a really good out of shield option for Fox. Dash attack also helps with combo set ups and such.

  1. Know how to get out of disadvantage.

Fox’s archetype may be rushdown, but he doesn’t do very well in disadvantage. Hold away when you’re being combo’d, and choose your moves carefully.

  1. Don’t. Stop. Moving.

Fox is one of the fast characters in the game. Use that to your advantage. Keep yourself unpredictable. Dash dance, tomahawk, and empty hop. Don’t let your opponent know what you’re gonna do next.

  1. Know your kill moves.

Fox’s Up-Smash is his best move. It’s a bicycle kick that can kill if you get it right. You can also do this out of shield. And, if you go for tech chases, you can also up-Smash there. Also practice up-air strings. Keep your opponent in the air and take them straight up to the blast zone.

Hopefully this helps. I’m a beginner with this character too so you’ll probably get better advice than this lol.

/r/CrazyHand Thread