How come "freedom of speech does not mean freedom from consequences" isn't considered the same as "why were you wearing that" when the underlying principle - actions have consequences - is the same?

Seems like both are kind of victim blamey, and just at different points along the spectrum.

Freedom of speech does not mean freedom from consequences. Okay. But freedom of speech also falls under freedom of expression. So, freedom of expression does not mean freedom from consequences, is equally true. Clothing is freedom of expression. Freedom of expression does not mean freedom from consequences. Why did you leave your house wearing that when you knew what might happen?

Aside from pregnancy and sti risk, even the consequences are similar, if not identical.

So why is one "hah, you get what you deserve!" and the other victim blaming? Is it because one is done from behind the safety of a computer screen, and the other is done face-to-face?

/r/AskReddit Thread Parent