how the fuck do i beat soraka

Support is 90% of the lane (most of the time) as they create opportunities that allow you to abuse the enemy laner it's not bad to rely on the support. Against soraka and per say I don't know.....a ashe you can't do much in that lane as ashe can continuously poke you and even if you manage to get in a few early autos soraka can help heal her up, that'd where your support comes in, as you will have to rely on your support to create opportunities for you to cs it's not bad to rely on the support as they keep you alive. Bot lane is not a solo lane you can't 1v2 unless you get enough of a gold or level gap. Being good at Draven is one thing but managing to learn when abilities come off cool down is another. Mid Draven is quite fun (I do it occasionally as well) but in that lane most lanes do not have the range you do therefore you can put out a lot of poke unlike in bot, that's why usually you don't try to first pick Draven cause they usually pick something like caitlyn as she out ranges. It match ups where they flat out damage you, just farm and wait until they get bored and do something idiotic, once they do you can get abuse that and possibly get a kill which is maybe either a bf sword or a few long sword depending on how many stacks you have. Bot lane is a far easier lane to gang for most jglers if getting ganked is the problem then you need to identify the problem and attempt to either go for a 1 for 1 ( which is worth due to your passive) or attempt to flee. This could be solved with scuttle and wards. ,Warding is not the supports job, it is your job as well. If you don't win lane don't blame your team just farm 15 farm is 1 kill in gold along with the fact your stacking your passive eventually you'll be able to cash in those stacks you worked for either in. A team fight or an outplay since your so underfed people don't seem to target you as much so until they realize your a threat it's too late you cashed in and you picked up items from there it's all down hill.

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