How the fuck do homeless people become homeless in first world countries?

I was homeless for 4 years. Medically discharged from military, VA refused to help. Came home and tried to find a job but was extremely limited bc of ongoing health conditions. Parents wantes nothing to do with me bc i had "let them down". All my friends had moved away. Eventually ran out of money and couldnt find a job that paid enough to allow me to have an apartment, car, etc. Got to a point to where I was in and out of the hospital every other month, racking up thousands in debt. Someone tried to sue me, court told em to fuck off cuz I was homeless anyways. Cant get blood from a turnip as they say...

Long story short i tried to make the best of my situation. Traveled around the country via hitchhiking/hopping trains, working at seasonal harvests. Wasnt steady work though so couldnt commit to renting anything anywhere. Couldnt find a job that would pay enough either bc only jobs offered to me were under the table. No one wants to hire you when you smell like shit bc all you can afford are gas station bathroom baths. Yes, not even the shittiest of companies. Believe it or not business care about their reputation.

Working under the table barely paid shit so i more or less wandered around hoping id get lucky and someone would give me a chance to prove myself.

Finally met a girl, who became a damn good friend. Let me live with her, which now i was able to get a shower daily, and that sllowed me to get a minimum wage retail job at walmart. Saved up money, helped pay rent, eventually got a car, and worked my ass off to get to where I am now: happily married, almost own my first house, and making 45k a year. It may not be a lot, but seeing where I came from, Im proud of myself.

/r/AskReddit Thread