How is gatekeeping gender behind dysphoria different from gatekeeping gender behind anatomy?

There is a medical definition for dysphoria, that is extremely helpful to many and is used, as it should be, as a basis for care to those who want it. Even that definition has changed over time to be more inclusive. Old measures of dysphoria afforded care to only those who has sexual attraction to the birth gender. Luckily, definitions have changed, and medical science is now more inclusive. Even, as that definition grows , it is not the only way to measure a human experience.

Consider gluten intolerance, a definable and measurable medical condition. Some meet the medical requirement, and might go on doctor prescribed diets to improve their health, or general comfort levels.

Now consider somebody who just decides to cut gluten from their diet. They might not meet the medical criteria for gluten intolerance, but they chose to follow the same recommended treatments of dietary restriction. That person, for whatever reason, finds that they feel better without gluten and follows that diet for the rest of their lives. In that case, they're not going against medical or scientific conventions, they made a personal choice to support their own comfort and happiness.

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