How do you generally treat your friends' new significant other when meeting them for the first time?

My new girlfriend and I, both in our mid 30s, had a great connection when we first got together back in March, but we did not become "official" until just a few weeks ago. This is partially due to me not having a serious relationship since my divorce 8ish years ago, and not wanting anything serious until I was sure of a good connection and real feelings, and not just being with someone to not be alone. I started meeting her friends after we had the DTR talk, and when she would introduce me as her boyfriend, all of her friends have been very enthusiastically friendly and seemed genuinely happy to meet me. I'm talking big, open smiles, moving in for a hug, etc.

I'm not complaining about the reactions, just that I am surprised and not used to it. They have all been perfectly lovely people and we've had some great conversations (rather than just polite small talk that I was used to in previous relationships when meeting my SO's friends). It's a refreshing change, and it got me curious about how a new SO is received by friends and the inner thoughts that those reactions stem from.

I'm very happy, so not trying to self sabotage, just wondering if this is how I SHOULD have been greeted in the past.

/r/AskWomen Thread