How do you find a girlfriend?

my closest friends and even my family members think im a little bit of a sociopath or psychopath (not kidding) but for i am not cutting up people or animals or pissing the bed (apparently psychopaths and/or sociopaths piss the bed a lot, hence one of the main reasons i know im not one) and i mean i treat people well and everything and i do have SOME feelings (i care about my friends, family, pets, and was in love once maybe twice) just not the quantity or quality of feelings other people experience or maybe display, idk. maybe you're somewhere or a little further along on the sociopath/psychopath spectrum than other people are. this doesnt automatically make you a serial killer or "crazy" or violent or malevolent like some ignorant people suggest. it just means you have a harder time forming emotional connections, having sympathy, and understanding empathy in certain situations. you're not necessarily an autist like another user suggested. REAL honest to goodness sociopaths/psychopaths are like...a whole other story though. its definitely "a thing" in psychology to almost be one/to be further down that sort of scale than a normal person without being a full blown sociopath or psychopath. in fact, most highly successful people (surgeons, lawyers, CEO's, media) fall into this category of "almost". i once posted on some subreddit about how its hard for me to develop feelings for an SO and what to do. i have similar problems as you but am probably a little older. im a normal average looking dude, i've pulled a few cute girls, i have friends and im not a fat smelly nerd. however i have only really one of the 10 or 12 girlfriends i've had. the rest i merely dated to not be bored hoping maybe i'll develop feelings, but i never do and it just becomes a chore and i dump them (actually i've learned tricking them into dumping me is better because it results in not having to deal with crazy ex's, they just sort of leave you alone in that case). anyway, the best advice i received is find someone you think you're capable of liking, date them and give them time. my mistake is i started dating people i know right away i dont like-like but they were girls who just were throwing themselves at me, keep in mind i am not bragging bc they weren't these AMAZING girls...they were just do-able, we got along, and i had nothing else going on so im like eh...why not give this whole dating thing a whirl and then i wondered why even though it seemed like there was "chemistry" i wasn't into it. turns out what i was missing were the "sparks". that sounds super gay and disney and maybe some people wouldn't agree but idk what else to call it. thats just my 2cents, i am certainly not an expert on women/relationships/dating.

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