How To Get to Gold By The End of The Season

Actually one of the biggest things holding people back is their mental state. Without knowing what champs and roles you play, all I can really talk about is that if you are spamming ranked while "forever on tilt" then your kinda running up an escalator the wrong way.

I realise it's not an easy task to just "fix your mental state". We all have our problems and some peoples issues are going to outweigh others. I'm just highlighting that most people under perform and flame with bad mental state.

The last part of your post:

I guess I need someone to just give me something that will work so I start winning some games. Thanks!

Makes it seem like you think there is a formula for just climbing elo fast, a secret that people are just not letting you in on. "DOCTORS HATE HIM, LOSE 5 STONE IN JUST 3 WEEKS WITH THIS ONE TIP" style almost. This isn't actually how climbing works. Yes there are champions that are easier to achieve results with such as annie middle, where their conditions for influencing the game are easy and obvious. However that doesn't mean that I'm going to give you a method of playing that will 100% work for you, gold in 10 games. The most sure way of getting gold is by improving your overall game by playing and weeding out mistakes rather than looking for some obscure champion pick and method of winning.

Good luck with the climb

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