How I got better at CS

You seem to have completely misinterpreted my post; like the title indicates, this is story on how I got better at CS.

I already mentioned that this is not a guide or step by step process: and I think it would do you well to stop looking for one, because there is no such thing.

I can address each of your points though, for the sake of discussion:

In other words you played certain champs and got a better farm.

Yep, turns out it's actually easier to achieve high CS when you don't have to worry so much about the actual act of last-hitting. CS is all about finding opportunities to get gold, whether you're picking up jungle camps, catching waves in other lanes, shoving in for TPs, proxy farming, etc. The reason a lot of people have 200 CS at 40 minutes and not 300 CS is not that they missed 100 last hits. It's because they were not around for waves crashing into the tower or that they ignored free opportunities to wave clear.

I expected a lesson from this

I hoped you would to. Like I said, there's no formula, the lesson for CS has been and always will be to focus on CS individually and not greeding for kills, be it in customs or normals. The lesson I learned was that it helps to keep a target # in mind, and only allow yourself to make plays or chase kills once you've achieved a significant CS advantage in lane. The only thing more satisfying then winning a lane 3/0 is winning a lane 3/0 with a 120 CS lead.

You dont learn farm better from mid and top laners. As a matter of fact your probably didnt learn at all.

I respectfully disagree, I think that I learned a lot, and I have the evidence to prove it if you like. And in my experience, you indeed do learn faster in top and mid. These are the only lanes in the game that are truly 1v1, and this allows you to focus on two things: lane pressure and CS. Bot lane is really dependent on support play, so an ADC could have 50 CS/10 min and be doing great comparatively in lane, while another ADC may have 70 CS but has not taken advantage of all opportunities in lane.

You learn by hard work and practice

Yeah man, probably the only thing you said that I agree with. That's exactly what I did. Grinded out 40 norms focusing on gruelingly boring CSing. Practiced CSing only, making an effort to not focus on kills or chasing or wasting time. It definitely was not easy, but it paid off

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