How do we grow worshipers in today's church?

As a person who identifies as agnostic and who (somewhat) recently left the Evangelical Christian community, I can say this: having more qualified people to be pastor's is something that might convince me to return to a church. I was a history major in undergrad and I'm studying it as well now in grad school and it's frustrating that I have felt at times that I know more about the bible and it's history than (literally) every pastor who I spoke with during the last few years.

This is shocking considering that I didn't have a concentration in undergrad (I studied history from all time periods, ancient to modern) and now I study American Military history (which has nothing to do with the bible or the those who wrote it) yet even the pastor's at some pretty respectable churches didn't know how to respond to some of my questions. And to be honest, I'm not an arrogant "I know everything" agnostic. I honestly want to believe in Christianity. My whole family (including my wife) are Christians and many of my friends are as well, but not being able to discuss some of the issues that I uncovered about the bible's history with someone within the Christian community is incredibly frustrating.

It's like, if you look at professors and scholars who teach at universities, if they teach ancient history about Rome, Egypt, or Hebrew civilizations, they have to know how to read and translate the languages that these people spoke. When I have sat down with Pastors, I have brought up some of the issues that I was struggling with and I was shocked that only one person (out of over a dozen whom I spoke with) knew Hebrew or Aramaic, or Greek. Worse, they weren't even familiar with the details around their own sources (such as when they would mention something such as the Dead Sea Scrolls, but would be unable to discuss the details inside them at any length after I started to discuss my studies of the scrolls) I don't get it. It was the fact that no one seemed to truly have any answers (and several became angry at me for even asking questions or dismissed me saying that translations aren't really important) that truly discouraged me and ultimately made me walk away from my faith... Hope this helps.

TL;DR Having more qualified and highly educated people who serve as pastors would make me (an agnostic) want to return to church to test it out.

/r/Christianity Thread