How do I find a guy who will give me attention (sociopath)?

Are you just really into books/movies like 50 Shades or whatever along those lines at the moment and have this as some manner of ideal romance? It might be better to find better romance books/films, as I'm sure IRL such a scenario would be far less than ideal.

I'm sorry you feel starved for attention though. I'm sure a few people might think I'm sociopathic, but I know I have emotions. I already have a crush that's lasted since 2007 though, (when it first started at least) and it's not likely to ever go away really. So I'd feel bad about pursuing a relationship otherwise, even though I'm only friends with the person I have a crush on. I would otherwise be glad to offer you attention, but I have no desire to abuse anyone, nor have any interest in BDSM as I can't stand pain nor seeing others hurting.

/r/relationship_advice Thread