how come this guy's deepdream video frame changes are more smooth than this other one?

Going thru that long reply carefully.

Wow that optical flow slowing down the bicycle video is cool. With this camera I got, I'd record at 60fps to be able to slow down half speed. If you take 30fps and try to slow it down, it gets all jotty between frames. What is this optical flow in video and how do you run it?

At this "python script available" part. You're talking about program settings. Stuff like that, lately I had got this stabilization plugin for premiere. Had all these different settings and I'm there, well what does what. Tried all the possible combinations of the sliders and outputted the files. Looked at what it does.

Things like what you're talking about here with those settings, you'd almost have to do the same thing to see what effect it has. So you're talking about all these settings but I don't really know what they're doing but could come into play later. What's important here is for the video to look like that grocery store one compared to the music video where changes were going on too fast. I'm going to copy what you wrote into a text file for when I get into that. If I can get that far.

Now I'm looking at this link here

Glancing at it, this guy's talking about all kinds of settings and what's going on. ok I'm going thru each of these he's got with the turtle pics. See this is what you have to do with paramater settings is try every possible combination and output, then compare what's going on. Then you go, oh ok, that knob does this.

Checked the giraffe ones. That's good when you see them all going on and go, ok I want it to be like that one.

Ah yeah the link and virtual machine. I talked about that earlier how I had ran Oracle VM VirtualBox when I got windows 7 and was running xp in a window. So know a bit what you're talking about there. I really wanna avoid running linux though. Whole new operating system.. bit much right now on top of all this. But if things don't work out trying to pull it off with windows, I'll uh, have to look into that. It's just I hate new programs it's so awkward and you don't know what's going on, frustrating.

Allright, thanks for the lengthy reply! See, it's complicated trying to explain this stuff to me.

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