How do you guys feel about having a Gemini Prime Minister?

PotaToe potAtoe. No revelations here. I'm not heavily into Armenian politics, what I know is what those who control all the media tell me and what some redditors say. He was heavily criticized for saying "Artsakh is Armenia period", so imagine my surprise when I find out he was part of LTPs administration and his hand writings in the past expressing return of the land? 2 faces indeed, I don't know what to make of it but neither do you, none of us do, its a thing of conspiracies.

"Pashinyan is desperate to preserve what remains of Armenia's freedom and sovereignty- this stems from a desire for autonomy, not a desire to move away from Russia"

His desire for autonomy = pulling away from Russia. It can't work any other way, they are the basket we have all our eggs in and for good reason, they are the only superpower who gives enough of a shit about the region to provide the investment it takes for security of Armenia.

"If you depend on another power to fight your battles, you're defenseless should that power ever pack up and leave someday"

The west has fucked over the arabs and kurds the last 30-40 years by suddenly pulling out (for seemingly nothing) and that scares me more than a bloody communist revolution from WWI (in terms of reliance on an ally). We can't agree on much if the fundamentals can't be agreed on which is that the only way Armenia gets true sovereignty and autonomy is by developing the weapon, its the only way, so everyone should secretly get on it, childish fantasy or no its the only solution, otherwise its Russia, nobody denies the danger of putting all our security in their hands but its a matter of having no other viable choice (other than developing the weapon)

If you speak of reconciliation then as far as I'm concerned you lose all credibility. No Russia hating Armenian should forget why we ever needed them in the first place.

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