How do you guys feel about this?

If i'm being honest, i totally understand where Negan is coming from. You might be thinking "Wow, your such a Negan stan" or something, but i mean he has tried for so long. He WAS accepted, but he chose not to live there. That was his choice, but i get what he means when he says he's done being sorry. Because there is literally nothing else he can do but apologise, and if apologising doesn't work, then he probably doesn't see the point. I'm assuming in his eyes, he's tried everything he could to make Maggie forgive him and she still doesn't so he's probably thinking "Well, she didn't accept my apology, so why should i continue to help?" sort of thing. "I apologised, it wasn't enough for you. So i left, why should i help you?" I'm assuming that's his mindset.

If i'm being honest, Maggie not forgiving him but not wanting to hate him anymore and actually WANTING to forgive him, is so realistic. But she quite literally can't, and i'm sure Negan new that from the beginning to be honest. I'm not saying Maggie should forgive him, i'm actually saying the opposite, but i also understand where Negan comes from.

The only thing i don't like is the time jump, maybe that's just me. I just don't like time jumps because it's such a massive change and if i'm being totally honest, i don't like change. That's why i hated it so much when everyone lived in seperate communites, i hate change. So i don't know how i feel about the time jump. But all i know is this show is gonna be good.

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