How do you guys manage to deal with your homophobic family members?

man I swear every single word you wrote I can relate to...

Exact issue issue. I don't agree with them on a lot of thing. They love to preserve their image in the community and they'll act like angels outside. When around Canadians they support LGBTQ; when they're around their immigrant community and inside the house they're the biggest homophobes in the world.

I love my nieces and nephews to death as well, and if I come out their parents will shunt me off because "homosexuality is an abomination". but..., as you said:

they're very nice to me and we have our laughs

I've been growing more distant in the last year and they're noticing it. But if you're an immigrant you'd know how community-oriented they are and they don't even want you to be independent, so it's tough and I don't really have a solution. I guess it helps to know you're not alone though...

/r/askgaybros Thread