How to hard breach with Maverick without soft breachers

Where did you get shot from? If you're using Maverick as a breacher, you should pay as much attention as you can, and make sure you are hidden to any sightlines. It's even better if a teammate guards you instead.

Unlike Ash, Thermite, or Hibana, who only make noise for a few seconds max, you make noise and gradually more sightlines as you create the hole, and you are vulnerable the entire time. As you cut the hole, your focus is directed on a wall and everyone knows where you are, so it's easy to expect to be flanked. I don't play Maverick, so I don't know how the cutting works, but you should make the hole as small as possible to conserve fuel and time.

I'm guessing you said that you were shot while cutting, so this part is probably pertains less to your situation. Wherever you cut, you should drone or at least know what's on the other side of the wall, because everybody in that room is going to be staring at your newly created fatal funnel. I know Maverick has a claymore/frag, go I would use a claymore if you run around alone to protect yourself from run-outs, or use the grenade on the opened breach to clear threats. If you work with other people, this would be a good place for a flashbang or shield. Also, once you get through, cover the rest of your teammates using your hole, because there still may be enemies waiting to peek it.

I wish I could write like this in school.

/r/SiegeAcademy Thread