How hard was it for you guys to learn HVAC?

Everybody learns in a different way so we really couldn't tell you how you'll do. One of my coworkers I always admited because he wasnt afraid to get his hands dirty and try his skills on equipment he had never encountered before. This instance is where you will most likely shit your pants. Personally, I was always a high achiever academically but I wont try anything I'm not familiar with as it makes me uncomfortable af because the thought of "what if I fuck this up" lingers in the back of my mind. This was about one of the biggest obstacles that I faced for the first two years of my career. Once I started taking classes on electronics and started applying stuff that I learned in class I started to fly and am favored by my superiors to one day be soem for the top technicians. Just go and learn how to do the basics and add to it. Study every single night ar least one thing you encountered that you weren't quite sure you grasped, and internalize it. Reality is that you will fuck it up a shit load of times before you ever get good and, then, you will still fuck it up at times.

/r/HVAC Thread