How hard would it be for you to get laid if you went went out with the intention of getting laid?

Yeah, yeah, sure, the world is full of unappreciated wonderful guys who would be sex gods in bed if only given a chance.

Oh more hyperbole? It seems your entire argument is banked on hyperbole and sarcasm to make the other person look ridiculous, however, you don't seem to offer much in the way of a reasoned counter argument. Might it be you have no such counter argument? I think so.

There's an OK Cupid study showing that the majority of men only go for the ~30% of hottest women,

You mean the one that actually supports everything I've been saying in this thread?

You mean the study that concluded Paradoxically, it seems it’s women, not men, who have unrealistic standards for the “average” member of the opposite sex.? Yeah I read that one. The one where women rate 80% of men as "below average" in attractiveness? You know there's other metrics than pure looks.

2/3's of male correspondence going to 1/3 of women is still a lot better than guys do on OkCupid, if you actually bothered to read OkTrends in full instead of cherry picking little details that support whatever inane argument you're putting forward. The hottest women get a flood more messages than the hottest men. I mean hell look at that graph - MEDIUM women get as much if not more messages than the hottest men!

Come on lady, if you're gonna cite a source make sure it's a source that supports your argument and not the other person's!

yet women are more likely to message average looking guys.

If they're rich. Men who earned over 100k received the lion's share (90th percentile) of correspondence from women. And taller men, as well, but there was a bit less of gap between 6' tall and average height (5'9").

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