How Harvard flunked economics - By propagating ideologically inspired amoral theories, business schools have actively freed their students from any sense of moral responsibility

Did you read the article? What about this suggests the author doesn't understand economics? He's also an accomplished business writer and journalist with several published books and articles. He's a moron who doesn't understand how it "works".

The author isn't saying economics is immoral, he's saying the discipline is being taught as if its physics - unassailable, truth-oriented, law-making, etc. - which is immoral, because it's not true. In fact, academic economists rarely publish rigorous empirical work to back up a model, are reluctant to change or jettison models if they don't fit reality because they are parsimonious, and are blind to history, as the article states. Economics is a mess because it's taught like a religion, not a social science.

This is a prime example: I don't want to focus on anything to do with whether you're for or against austerity - I want to focus on the fact that this principle was taken as cannon and printed in textbooks for two years when it never should have survived peer review. I say this not because I think the peer reviews shit the bed, I say this because these articles are taken to be physics papers, as if sitting on firm epistemological foundations. This paper become cannon because it fit the ideology underpinning the discipline, not because it was a good paper.

None of this has anything to do with socialism. Had you said /r/philosophy, that would have made more sense. I'm not a socialist, I'm a social scientist - and this article is a breath of fresh air.

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