How the Hell Has Danielle Steel Managed to Write 179 Books?

A lot of my female relatives (IE grandmother, mother, aunts) absolutely loved Danielle Steele novels. While they were never much for me, I admire her for having such a prolific output. I think a lot of aspiring writers and even those writers who have "made it" forget that this is a job. I know it gets mentioned a lot, but take Stephen King for example. He writes 2,000 words per day every single day. That's 10,000 words per week, or 40,000 per month. Another example would be Brandon Sanderson, who writes 8-10 hours a day and churns out all those massive fantasy books. It's just about finding the time to do it. I'll leave you with another quote I came across recently while listening to an interview with Neil Gaiman.

"The only thing that is permanent is the perfect white page."

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