How the hell did trump get elected, and why does he still have any supporters?


When people want to hide their ambitious, they got 2 choices: they lie to you or they confuse you.

+ My nephew works 4 a famous newspaper in the UK. Once I asked her if China payed them to lie to the UK readers. Because I am working in different places including China and we all know China is the future & those newspapers are talking nonsense.

She said, "you kidding? Europe still think their old-school multi-party & US's 2 party system is superb. No one pay us. Don't get me wrong. We know China's neo top-down system is pretty new & efficient. Our decision makers just stop learning & politics-driven."

IMHO, they are helping China to hide their ambitious and confuse average western readers. These ignorant posts are wonderful products.

+ China is the master of market penetration. Their product is money-driven because they can do so.

If you pay them £1, you won't have the quality of £1.000001. In your dream!

If you pay more, they will deliver the best.

Last time my clients wanted a new functionality that my Chinese partners don't really care. My clients insist and will pay. So they organise a class-A R&D team and sampled millions of possibilities for my clients in a brand new simulation model. 6 months later, another company bought this new model. Everyone is happy!

+ Chinese slaves? you joking? I guess people who said this have never run any business in China. I guess they never how difficulty it is if you want to fire a engineer.

/r/TooAfraidToAsk Thread Parent