How the hell do I grow my hair out properly

I don’t know if you’re naturally curly or not - in which case my advice wouldn’t apply to you. You’d want the curlygirl sub for that. But if you’re just naturally wavy and/or just have frizzy hair there are age things you can do aside from straightening.

First thing: Wait. It takes at least two years for most non-straight hair to get to the length necessary to weigh itself down.

Second: Do not shampoo every day. I use this stuff called UNwash - it’s like a semi-conditioner that doesn’t strip my hair. I shampoo and deep condition like once every other week. You can just use regular conditioner on your non-wash days (which should really be every third day, tops) This method is called co-washing if you want to research it more.

Third: Avoid hair dryers. Actually avoid anything hot. Let your hair air dry and then put in a hair oil or some mousse. I use Olaplex No7 and it really takes things down. But there are a lot of different types of anti-frizz products and leave-in conditioner things. You have to experiment to find what you hair responds to. It’s not the most economical thing to learn - but once you do you’re good.

The other thing I do is try to shower at night so I have a chance to sleep on my hair and that naturally straightens it a bit. I also found that a really inexpensive silk/satin pillowcase helped a lot too.

Try your hardest to power through the awkward stages. Don’t make the mistakes I did and chemically straighten and use flat irons. I really damaged my hair when it was shorter and had to get massive trims. I’ve been growing out my hair for a tad over 3 years but I had to cut off almost a years worth because I was so obsessed with keeping it tame.

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