How do I help my SO fight her depression?

It's kind of you to be so concerned about your girlfriend's mental health. I apologize if anything I say is blunt- it's not my intention to be unkind, unjust, or that ilk. As a thirty year old woman who has experienced similar issues to your girlfriend it seems important to make a point to emphasize that she's responsible for her mental health. Your role as a her partner is to support her efforts. It doesn't sound like she's handling it on her own very well so her reasoning for leaving therapy doesn't wash unless she's lacking clarity concerning the depth of her depression or she's in denial. You know her so you'd be able to ascertain which of those is true. She is most likely a wonderful person and you seem to care for her a great deal. She deserves to live without the cloud of depression over her. It sounds like her self-esteem is wrecked and that she doesn't feel very confident in her abilities. I don't know if this applies but overly enabling her could make that worse. It did for me- people coddle me a lot and it accidently drove home the idea that I wasn't capable. It's a difficult balance for you as her partner and I'm sorry you're in that position. I would encourage her to seek treatment again since an external support network would be beneficial for your relationship in the long run but beyond that you're already doing a great job by supporting her and consoling her when she's feeling low. She has to make a commitment to enforcing her capability and addressing her depression/self-esteem issues. I know how hard that is and my heart goes out to her. It sounds like she wants to work through things and that's really encouraging! I hope things work out for you guys.

/r/depression Thread