How do you hide a body?

Ok, listen carefully. The first step is the most crucial. You first need to move this body out of a common area. Only move the body by dragging the clothing, never squeeze the body as this will leave handprint contusions that will show up in forensics. Bodies don't heal broken blood vessels once dead, these contusions only get darker with time. The bruising could be used for hand size matching if this body is ever found. So, remember, always drag by the shoulder sleeves or pant legs.

Now you want to do this quickly, but effectively. Pick a stash point that will have very little traffic. Just because it isn't visible doesn't mean that no one will smell the damn thing. Bowel void is real. People will want to find where the shit smell is coming from. To this, you should know your surroundings. No choice is perfect, but some will be better than others. Watch for CCTV of ANY kind. Any footage captured and you're FUCKED.

You need to move quickly now. Leave the scene in a vehicle once the body is stashed. You will have about 45 minutes to find the best route to accquire as many blankets and boxes as you can. You need some thick ones. Really really thick. You want to try going for a goodwill or thrift shop as bigger chains have inventory logs in their systems, another point of potential evidence. Don't use a credit or debit card for these purchases. Get as many boxes, books, and blankets as possible. Blankets are the most important. Remember, thick.

Drive your vehicle back to the scene. This is potentially the most dangerous part of your operation now. You need to transport this body from the stash point into open air, and into the back of your vehicle. Depending on the circumstances this could go from difficult to impossible. This is best done at night using only moonlight for sight. However, your circumstances can vary wildly. Drag the body from the stash into the back of your car, and slide it underneath a layer of constructed boxes and betwwen multiple layers of blankets. Don't worry about wrapping it tightly yet. You can do that some place off the freeway, later.

Turn your location services on your phone off if you haven't already. Screenshot a route on google maps and use the image of the navigation for directions, not the application directly. Close all applications and just keep the image up. Start driving.

You are aiming for a lake. It doesn't matter how far you need to drive at this point, the only thing that does matter is that it's a big lake with hardly anyone around. Idaho, Montana, Northeast Washington, all good places for lakes which are dead, where no one will ever know.

Once you're out on the freeway you need to keep driving. If you need gas, park your vehicle in some bushes hundreds of feet away and fill up a can. Never park the vehicle with the body at the station, even when the body is so well obscured. Lock the vehicle up somewhere hidden even if it means going offroad. Going offroad should be possible considering by the time you start getting low on gas you've been heading into the boonies for a while.

Get all your gas in one go if possible. You can drive hundreds of miles if need be, just avoid stopping or being pulled over.

Once you get to the lake, wrap the body in the blankets as tight as you possibly can without directly handling the body. Toss into the river.

Very important is to not stick around, even if you're tired. You need to drive at least a hundred miles away before resting.

Now, you want to leave the state in the morning. Hopefully you have savings because you're going to need to lay low for a week or so. Check for warrants online and call in sick at work for as long as you're able to. Being holed up is a good alibi, and since there's no digital tracking history you can say that you weren't using your phone while sick.

Afterwards, drive back home. Always stay paranoid, and if ever asked questions don't say anything. Don't even give them denials of false premises. Keep repeating your alibi and only your alibi.

If you follow all of my instructions, and aren't caught in the process, this will all go away. You have destroyed or obscured all evidence that is commenly used during prosecution.

/r/shittyaskreddit Thread