How do you honestly feel about the "Fat Acceptance" movement? Do you think it is healthy, or is it doing more harm than good?

Fatty numero dos checking in. This is an excellent summary. A big part is viewing food as an addiction. And that brings up a number of questions when it comes to shaming. Should you shame the drug user who's habit has become a bit too regular? Should you shame the drug user when they're starting to ignore some of their responsibilities? Should you shame the drug user who's addiction has left them homeless? Should you shame the drug user who's stealing from you to fuel their habit?

Does shaming really help? When is it dropping a harsh-truth bomb, vs. hate for its own sake? And how can we tell the difference? And when you're inundated with hate for the sake of hatred, how can you find the genuine pleas for change in the sea of unproductive anger?

What are you trying to get out of shaming? Are you actually invested in this person's well being, or in the overall problem and its implications, and you legitimately think shaming will help them? Are you shaming as a way of coping with negativity you feel toward the problem, or toward effects you've personally felt? Are you shaming as a way of coping with unrelated negativity, simply being glad for a subject whose derision you can easily rationalize? Are you shaming because gives you power and makes you feel good?

In my personal experience, I've found that shaming has been completely unhelpful. In fact, I've found that shaming both regarding the problem of weight, as well as unrelated shaming, is one of the strongest sources of my problem. Which makes shaming me akin to trying to put out a fire by dousing it in lighter fluid.

I'm fairly confident that if people take a good, hard look at why they're shaming, and what they get out of it - they'll see that it's not really about trying to help people. Which is okay (to a degree) and totally human - we all need to vent, we all need our coping mechanisms.

I know it's impossible to understand unless you've been there, and I accept that. I know that not everyone knows what it's like to have just consumed so much food that you're in physical pain, and your mind is struggling to figure out how to shut that out so you can eat more. But just as there are healthier ways for me to handle my problems in life, I'd like to think there are healthier ways for those who shame for its own sake to get whatever they get out of that hate. And for those who shame with genuine, legitimate concern - I appreciate that - I appreciate that you want to help solve the problem, and I want to thank you for your concern and your help. And at the same time I invite you to look at your methods to see if there's a better way you can achieve that goal.

tl;dr Do you want to help? Great! Maybe shaming might not be the best way to do it. If that doesn't matter to you, do you actually want to help? If not, that's fine too - but I encourage you to look to other, less harmful avenues to fulfill whatever need that is.

/r/AskReddit Thread