How do you know If a girl is playing hard to get?

Completely agree with these guys.

Playing hard to get is not the same as having to put in effort to be a good guy to a girl. Girls who want to play games are always a red flag.

These girls usually are playing games with many guys at once. Some guys they just like to flirt with, or get emotional comfort from, and others they like to be friends with benefits. You might just be one of several dudes she's getting attention from.

Sometimes girls just want you around because they like to feel pursued, but will never give you a chance. Sometimes it's hard to politely pull away from these girls because they're so good at making you feel like they're into you, and sometimes they become so ingrained in your life that you can't just ghost them. You essentially just have to be nice to them, but at the same time don't linger and talk to them longer than you need to.

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