How do I know if I have a low supply?

You may not have a “low supply.” You may just be experiencing a fluctuation in supply due to supply and demand. If you are exclusively breastfeeding, and your infant is gaining weight, then you do not have a low supply. If your infant is not gaining weight and you are feeding on demand, then there may be reason to suspect low supply and you could consider talking to your pediatrician.

It is also possible your infant is going through a growth spurt and may be wanting to feed more. She may be fussy on the breast, but just continue to let her nurse on demand and your body will respond. Of course, there may be other reasons for the fussiness too, thrush, teething, or an ear infection, etc...

If you are really concerned though, you can pump in between feedings to increase supply, or you can take galactogogues.

/r/breastfeeding Thread