How do I know if I’m a communist?

Not all socialists want a transition to communism and not all socialists are communists.

My reply which I nuked (due to trying not to sound too callous) remains the same. I find it odd someone would choose to just "stick" to an inherent transitional component.

Socialism is incomplete, undeveloped communism because it grows directly from capitalism, is built on material inherited from the capitalist system and, naturally, retains traces, “birth marks” of this old society. Such, for example, are the survivals of old divisions of labour, the lack of complete economic equality, survivals of the past in the minds and behaviour of people, and so forth.

  • Scientific Communism (a popular outline)” by V.Afanasyev, 1967, Progress Publishers Moscow, Chapter 6: Socialism, First Phase of Communist Society; Part 3: Socialist Society

You also stated that not all socialists are communists. Again, personally, that sounds suspect to me because of how many SocDems parrot that very line.

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