How do you interpret the different directions in a spread?

You are correct about how i was doing the readings. It was basically a two card cross thats situation/blockage and then past present future beneath. I kind of jumped straight in and winged it a little. I'm going to dial it back and do two card readings and single card meditations until i get a better understanding of the deck. I don't necessarily feel incorrect i just have a tendency to fixate.

The reading with the major focal point was really weird to me because it was a relationship reading with five cards, and all the focus was on the ace of pentacles which was "her emotional future/what he brings to the relationship". I couldn't understand why everything pointed there in some way but other cards seemed disconnected or oppositional. Like his emotional future was ace of swords reversed and he was reversed king of pentacles, which i would think would indicate a seperation from him but instead those cards had a direct line to her emotional future. The king was also facing the three of cups which was supposed to represent her. Overall Outcome was 7 of pents but really only had much connection to the ace.

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