How to get in to jazz theory?

Maybe by a curse will be put on you by someone for something bad you have done? lol

But if that is the case you might as well learn to enjoy it. And the first thing you should do is to learn the basic tools. Names of notes., scales, intervals chords and how to spell and talk about and describe them is the most common way.

You don't have to learn all of that before you start to use it however. As you learn scales, play them. Listen to them. See how they sound. the same with the intervals lern how they sound and play them. combine scale segments and intervals to create melodic content. When you learn chords do the same thing,

As you learn something, learn to hear it. Jump in the pool and swim with it, creat some combinations and see how they sound. Create melodies. Each tool you will learn will give you more things to play with and as you study, it will start to be puzzle pieces that you will learn to put together to create music.

The side bar has a few courses that will set you in the right directions to stat to put the pieces together as well as how to learn the basic tools.

Than you just build on it Notes lead to scales. Notes and scales are used to create chords. Chords in sequence are progressions dnt melodies coincide with each other to form counterpoint and also can intertwine with the chords and their progressions. Form is something you study to see how to put it all together and you just take it step by step.

That is the best way I can tell you to get started in music theory if you have been cursed with the desire to make sense of music. lol

Its interesting but it is also addictive. Don't be afraid to read two or more versions of each of the tools with different authors of the theory texts. everyone has their own learning style and one person's definition of one thing may suite you perfectly and another thins will be confusing where as another author may have a better way of explaing one and not another as well. Also be aware that there are different contexts when some of the terms and concepts are being used by various musical periods throughout history. Once you get into the analysis part of music theory, there will be some confusion. At that stage, remember each composer had the right to learn what went on before him and to try to teke it to another level so music theory is the study of an evolving art that started one place and wound up another.

BUT once you know the basic tools, you will be able to talk about and ask questions about things that you don't understand.. Don't be bothered with some confusion. there is a lot going on but if you stick with it, it will start to fall into place. AND remember that iin order to really use it, you have to learn to hear what you learn and its much better to practice hearing it as you go along than to realize later that you have to go back and study how to hear what you have learned.

Good luck and If you are here to learn, I am hear to teach.


/r/musictheory Thread