How was the JLPT N1 today?

Same here! I took 5 mock tests and my listening score was like 40 something. This one... if I even get 19 it would be a miracle lol.

Ah that question!! アイデアをしぼっている? That was a another guessing game for me as well. Don’t worry about 忍耐

That laptop question was just normal until they surprised me with the multiple choices that asked for the model name while I focused on the prices and specs etc.

What I remember was the lady had a 6万円 budget and wanted a computer with a 目に優しい display and a software that blocks, let’s say, “9GAG” wink wink lol

So, he showed her the best one of 8万円 all the way to the cheapest one 4.5万円.

Then he said “the 3rd one doesn’t come with the software that blocks the “educational stuff” wink, but comes with an offer to get it like for free maybe but you’ll have to install it yourself.

The 4th one also doesn’t come with any software and if you it you’ll end buying it separately for ¥5000 plus the installation fee, but if you wanna install it yourself to save those extra bucks, go for it”

Then she was like “nah, I’m not a tech savvy, I don’t know how to install softwares!”

Then she said something, I don’t remember how put it literally but it sounded like “you know what! F*#ck it! Those extra 2万円 won’t brake the bank tho. I’ll go for the one that comes with everything”

So that made me chose the 1st one that costs 8万円

I know I maybe wrong because that test was just all about tricky questions ひっかけ問題

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