How do I get a job working remote?

Well keep it up. :) Use this time to soak up all you can. Come up with your own project and build it from ground up without any templates and minimal tutorials.

Once you can do that I'd say you're ready to advertise your services as an entry level programmer. But it's also a continuous process... Once you get down JavaScript, JQuery, MySQL start implementing newer technologies and expanding your reach.

I'm sure someone will correct me, it all depends on the person as well. But I'd say it take 2 years of learning before you can start out in a new field. My wife got laid off of her Sales job and saw all these programming jobs posted. She told me she can do that. I didn't laugh (ok in my head I did ;) ) but told her that just changing a career like that to something she's never done before she'll need to start from the bottom. Spend 2 years learning the ropes, get an entry level position in that field and work your way up.

Me personally I'm not a programmer don't and never will consider myself one. I do it on the side as a hobby as well as a few projects for work (Not my job) But I'm finishing up a 2 year degree in software development and feel that I'm nowhere near the level needed to be in a good programming position.

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