How to land your TIE Fighter

This a completely different subject about lag and client server synchronization. It also goes against what you claimed above. You said:

I know you can be killed by them, I have seen myself be shot to death by turrets in the background sometimes. I think it only happens occasionally though, as I have also been shot repeatedly but not killed.

Now you're saying it's all lag and sync based, when you never specified that before?

Come on man. lol. Keep the story straight.

Also, that's not exactly what would happen between the server and client given there was some connection issue. I don't think you have enough knowledge about game netcode to start discussing that. I don't want to go into it either as I would have to type something extremely long explaining it. The short of it is that the server would eventually update (based on ticket rate) what actually has happened. It's actually notcieable in my video. Firstly, my ship crashes into a wall and explodes. Camera angle does not switch to ejecting me until about a tenth of a second later. Which I think frostbite 3 updates around 10 tickets a second.

The reason this glitchy ejection happens with the A-Wing is because all of my A-Wing controlling is done by me on my client. I push that information to the server. So when I crashed on my client I looked dead, my info went to server, server checked it, sent it back the next ticket a tenth of a second later and "ejected" me.

This actually is not possible server side with a turret. Someone else places turrets and the firing of them is all information that is sent from the server TO the client. So all of the packets from the server are correct and have already been checked. You wouldn't have a weird glitchy death correction like in the client controlled star fighter crash.

Also, the "desync" issues in battlefield are mostly from "instakill" desync. This is because BF4 ran at about 10 tick, and someone could unload 4 or 5 bullets in less than a tenth of a second. So when the server updated the client, all 4 of those bullets would register at once and cause an "instakill". Not exactly the same issues we are talking about here. Pretty sure it's not possible to have a desync post game death issue. The server always runs checks and fixes discrepancies with the client side.

There's more to it, but that's the quick and dirty of how frostbite 3 does netcode.

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