How to Legally Accept a Drug Package

As per the document posted below: "he intended to conduct a controlled delivery of the package via the United States Postal Service and sought a search warrant that would only be used upon acceptance of the package by defendant or someone acting on his behalf"

To me the biggest problem with having it delivered to your home is the anticipatory warrant that allows them to search your house after accepting the package. I still am confused exactly how "accepting" is legally defined as I have read accounts of both requiring a signature and simply holding the package being enough. Others state the package must be brought into the premises after a few minutes the LE perform the search and find the illegal materials.

Which brings up another unexplained circumstance of whether the package must be opened in order to prove knowledge of the contents.

Honestly I've been reading about CDs ever since I got into DNM and there is so much conflicting information it easy to see how people are confused and promoting bro-law as fact all over the place. Your best bet is to read stuff like the document below posted by customscrazy and other legal sites and law cases.

I suppose the benefit of a po box or pmb would be that if you had a good idea that your package is compromised you could just disengage and write it off and abandon the box.

Of course there are plenty of unknowns such as if a suspect fails to retrieve their CD from the po box how does LE proceed? Do they attempt to deliver to the address that opened the po box? Can they still obtain a search warrant to your house after arresting you at the post office? Does signing for the package make a difference?

I suppose if it came down to a court setting your defense of having someone use your address as a drop location would be pretty strong.

One of you rich redditors go ask your lawyer exactly how Controlled Deliveries are handled under the law and what is the procedure?

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