How long before I should attempt to exercise after two weeks of cocaine use?

I appreciate not only your solid advice but also for not jumping on my neck about my IV coke use. I got rather geeked at the beginning of this binge and made a post here (which I have since deleted) in which I compared some cocaine and cocaine freebase (converted to cocaine citrate first..) that I had gotten for IV speedballs and also just IV by themselves. I admit it was rather long winded and it was obvious that I was quite high, but I asked about chest pain/cramps from cocaine use; by the morning there was one reply with a few upvotes that said "You're an idiot." I guess he wasn't really wrong but it kind of made me nervous to post on this sub. So thanks for treating me like a person.

On another note. I own a Fitbit HR that I wear especially when taking stims. I'll just keep an eye on it as I walk up and down the parking garage and if it gets close to 220 minus my age, or if I start to feel chest pain, dizziness, numbness, blurred vision, headache, etc. Basically if I notice signs of stroke or heart attack I'll stop and maybe even go speak to the doc. I'll give it 2 weeks and work up to it with light calisthenics after the first week.

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