How long is everyone straight for?

I use SN seeds only but the last bag I bought was completely bunk.

I wrote a post on that if you look in my history.

I have more SN coming tomorrow.

I'm going to be very upset if the SN I get tomorrow is bunk to because I can't justify putting anymore money towards seeds because of the wasted money.. if they worked and I used them no big deal.. but when I don't want to use them because they don't even work it's wasted money.

I wrote a post on why I can say they're bunk and know it's not my tolerance but I'll recap a bit.

The wash was pretty clear and very light brown tint with almost no bad bitter taste.

I had two older bags (like 2 or 3 months older) and the wash is dark brown and not clear at all.. and so bitter I wanna retch and the seeds work really well with strong effects.

But the last bag I bought like I said is the completely opposite in effects and physical appearance of seeds and wash.

I wasted around $30 on bag so no big deal.. so I ordered direct instead of River and I have $100 worth coming tomorrow in a gamble and if these seeds are also bunk.. I swear to God I will just go cold turkey through W/D because I'll be so passed at $130 on seeds that don't do anything when I know they're bad because my older bags have plenty of strength and effect.

When's the last you ordered SN?

River or Direct?

What would you rate it ?/10?

Never tried FTL or WGN I don't think.

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