How to lose weight if I love food and hate exercise

  1. Try to reduce your stress. Stress can make it harder to lose weight, trust me. Try things like relaxation yoga, body scan meditation, go on walks in nature, dance to your favorite music, etc. Do things that relax you. If there are things you can remove from your schedule, remove them. Remove what is not really necessary so you can simplify your life.

  2. Keep your gut heathy. It was much easier for me to lose weight when I started eating foods rich in fiber and protein. Try to avoid heavily processed foods. Foods too high in sugar and/or simple carbs. Also look into probiotics.

For frozen veggies, I like to roast them in the oven. Drizzle some olive oil, season with salt, pepper, sometimes also chili flakes.

  1. Exercise along with a healthier diet can really transform your body. My goto fitness recommendation for seeing more significant change is weightlifting. Try it if you have the time. You can find lots of beginner friendly tutorials and routines on youtube and stuff. Weightlifting speeds up your metabolism.
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