How to M36?

The M36 has quite good mobility. Even though it's limited to 26 mph, it doesn't struggle to get to higher speeds; especially in rough terrain, that means it will get into position before the enemy. Regarding the gun, the M36 with M82 round lets you get some of those weird, angled side kills that a 76mm gun struggles with. Considering it's an ambush tank that's not supposed to fight tanks from the front in the first place, having a guarantee that the side shot, even if angled, will always penetrate is always a good thing. Admittedly the M36 has less of a niche in WT and is always glanced over in favor of the M18. but if you use it right, it's a rewarding tank. Treat it like a vehicle somewhere in between a medium tank and a tank destroyer, and it will make more sense

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