How many anarchists does it take to screw in a lightbulb?

I literally don't give a fuck about buying overpriced meds for an 80 year old. Give them some vodka and morphine and they can fuck off. Stop squandering what could be used to pay for 10 baby deliveries.

You had run oldman. You did it all. Now move on and make some space. I would love if the government abolishes private insurance and then nationlizes health services we will have to prioritize urgent things. I hope healthcare for oldies has some of the lowest priorities. but this is fantasy of UHC is just as delusional as people killing each other by the millions without government.

EVEN IF SANDERS WIN. Democrats and republicans will block his attempts to nationalize health care. I would love to see him win. But I'm very realistic about what he can and can't do.

/r/ChapoTrapHouse Thread Parent