How many games have you finished in 2018?

So, I decided to start a list this year, on what I have finished. I am in my early 40s and wanted some sort of record. It has sort of prompted me to finish more, but it also pointed out that I finish about a game a week.

Here's my list

Mario odysee bioshock 1 remastered bioshock 2 + Minerva's den metroid 2 Samus returns* bioshock infinite burial at sea infamous first light arkham asylum arkham city half life 2 episode1 episode2* Harley Quinn revenge dlc burnout paradise remastered portal 2 momonga pinball adventures by far cry 5 limbo god of war (2018) prototype2 inside mafia 3 dishonored 2 (Emily low chaos) darksiders warmastered edition cod 4 modern warfare remastered beyond: two souls Batman: telltale game walking dead: season 2

And by finish, I mean, credits rolled

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