How many of you have had surgery for permanent birth control?

23 and it was great. I asked the nurse when I went in for my consult what the odds were it'd go in my favor (since, as his nurse, I figured she would have an idea of where he leans on these topics) and she goes "At your age? Zilch. Not happening."

Doc comes in, we have a nice chit chat, he agrees that I have sound reasoning and approves me. He did disclaim at first "I am reluctant to do these procedures on people your age," but I stood firm and he was a reasonable guy.

He went and talked to my mom when they were closing me up post surgery and told her I seemed like I had a good head on my shoulders and knew what I wanted. Most of the nurses along the way - consult and pre-op - gave me a little bit of flak but nothing too bad.

The best was when the nurse and nurse-in-training were talking over my charting and the nurse kept saying I was there for a hysterectomy. After a few times I go "I'm not getting a hysterectomy."

"Oh! Really? That must be our mistake. I did think that was a little weird to see someone so young. I was wondering who on earth would ever approve something like that. What are you getting done?" (both nurses are laughing about how absurd that would be)

"A bilateral salpingectomy."

"That's where they look at the fallopian tubes right?"

"That's where they take out the fallopian tubes."

".........So...... So that's still a sterilization?"

"Yep. Sure is."

"Oh." (They booth seem sheepish after what they were just saying.) "Did you have much trouble getting approved?" etc, a few more general questions before they dropped it. I had a good chuckle at that one.

/r/childfree Thread